PKK - Prevention & Communication & Conflict Management
M u lticultural culture of discussion is the "alpha" and the "omega" of open-minded prevention communication in order to exclude or channel conflicts of all kinds in advance. The conflict - field - orientation is therefore the basis for creating a balance of interests.
A precise, systemic analysis of your existing problems is tailor-made, the integration of influencing variables is precisely coordinated in a psychological, -sociological, -pedagogical, -economical, -as well as ecological way.

3 orientation areas:
area 1
Organizational Conflict - Orientation (OKO)
conflict of goals - Orientation (ZKO)
Disposition Conflict - Orientation (DKO)
area 2
transformation conflict - Orientation (TKO)
Distribution Conflict - Orientation (VKO)
Relationship conflict - orientation (BKO)
area 3
Change Conflict - Orientation (CKO)

T he conflict - field - orientation offers you the chance to discover new possibilities, a new "we" without fear of loss or losers.
We offer seminars and training courses tailored to your needs:
sales and communication
conflict - communication
The communication in "WE" and "I"
The typology of communication
The "Trojan horse" of communication
and many more topics...
We are always at your disposal for your inquiries.
Use the contact form: